L3 in Education and Motricity (EM)


Course administrator : Annick SELBONNE / 04 72 43 15 45

Course tutor : Jean-Michel JARS / 04 72 44 79 06

Access the L3 EM Blog 
Field: Undergraduate degrees in STAPS: Science and Techniques of Physical Activity and Sport
Degree: Bachelor’s degree
Title: STAPS: Education and Motricity
Programme: Education and motricity

Course description:

This degree, offering 4 specialisations, meets the criteria of the National Register of Professional Certification (RNCP). The course description of the first two years is based on the RNCP file for the DEUG in Sport Science (STAPS) and that of the education and motricity programme on the RNCP file.
The DEUG in Sports Science provides students with the following skills:
- Teach and supervise four different sports safely;
- Intervene appropriately given the characteristics of different types of public and institutional contexts;
- Implement an activity leadership project forming part of a project to provide a service and a local educational project;
- Contribute to a project as part of a team;
- Use methodological tools to observe participants;
- Use communication tools.

In the 3rd year, the course enables students to specialise in four different socio-economic sectors.
- The EM course trains professionals with polyvalent skills in the field of teaching physical, sporting and expressive activities, capable of designing and teaching these activities while ensuring the safety of participants in any educational establishment or structure. It includes 3 options:
- Teaching PE in a school (secondary level) either after completion of the undergraduate degree or after completing the Master in MEEF, by passing the teaching examination.
- Teaching at primary level, either as a general teacher by passing the CRPE examination or specialising in PE for 3 to 10 year olds.
- Teaching Physical, Sporting and Artistic Activities to the general public, particularly within local or regional authorities, either in sport and educational structures, or by passing the corresponding examinations.

This undergraduate degree course specialising in Sports Science (STAPS) is organised as follows:
- a 1st year (L1) common to all four specialisations Adapted Physical Activity and Health (APA-S), Education and Motricity (EM), Sport Training (ES) and Sport Management (MS): students take all teaching units for semesters 1 and 2, i.e. 60 ECTS ; the 1st year constitutes the STAPS FOUNDATION COURSE;
- 2nd year (L2) worth 51 core ECTS (i.e. 85%) organised as follows: 10 common teaching units and 3 optional teaching units, specific to each specialisation (the choice of optional teaching units in semesters 3 and 4 does not restrict the student in their choices for the 3rd year).
- a 3rd year (L3) of specialisation, very specific to each professional sector.

The combination of cross-disciplinary, core and professional specialisation courses from L1 to L3 gradually orients students towards their chosen career.

Further study and career opportunities:

One year after graduating with a degree in Sports Science, surveys among 2009-10, 2010-11 and 2011-12 graduates show that:
- 13% of graduates, on average, enter employment directly after completing their undergraduate degree (16.7% for the APA-S programme; 4.95% for EM; 15.3% for ES and 14.7% for MS);
- Approximately 66% pursue further study on the various Masters in Sports Science offered at Lyon 1;
- Only 11% leave Lyon 1 to pursue further studies in another institution.

In the 2016-2020 educational contract, EM graduates can continue their studies at Lyon 1 according to a selective application process (see Decree no. 2017-83 of 25 January 2017) for:
- primarily, the Master in the Teaching, Education and Training Professions (MEEF)
but also, on other Sports Science master courses: Adapted Physical Activity and Health; Training a Optimisation of Sporting Performance; and Gender Studies.

Specific characteristics and admission requirements:

The ‘Education and Motricity’ programme begins in semester 4 of the undergraduate degree (Licence).
In order to succeed in their 3rd year, students are recommended to have developed:

• Practical and technological skills in 8 different groups of physical and sporting activities.
• Skills in leading activities for schoolchildren.
• Skills in summarising information.
• Theoretical knowledge in the various compulsory disciplinary

Enrolment procedure:

The application and enrolment procedure is available directly on the website of UFR STAPS Lyon 1, by clicking here.


The degree is obtained after validating each of the 3 years with an average grade.

Each year is validated by the validation of each semester or by compensation between semesters. A semester is validated with an average grade by compensation between the teaching units composing it. Specific procedures are approved each year and displayed in the component school.


Student numbers:








Student numbers














Pass rate




